
All businesses and professionals have had to adjust their behavior and practices in accordance with new guidelines due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Operating under these guidelines has helped clients continue mental health and addiction treatment safely. By being mindful of those who are feeling fearful and stressed about getting sick or potentially spreading the illness, Read More

man seeking peer support for recovery

Too often, a person will have a host of excuses as to why certain approaches to their recovery just won’t work. Recovery groups have coined this perspective as being “terminally unique.” Terminal refers to someone that cannot be cured, while unique means to be unlike anyone else. Those who fall into this category often believe Read More

safety net treatment

Sometimes when a person reaches a brick wall in their recovery efforts related to addiction or mental health issues, they may feel hopeless. While tried and true methods that proved successful in the past are important to keep in your roster, you might need more in order to move to the next level of recovery. Read More


Many professionals who are treating clients with mental health or addiction issues have been utilizing telehealth appointments to remain safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Closures, social restrictions, and lockdowns have been causing limited face-to-face contact with clients; however, we can still serve them during this time. The uncertainty of the pandemic has made the need Read More


As lockdowns have increased across the nation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, alcoholism became its own pandemic within the pandemic. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), alcohol consumption rates generally go up during times of national crisis. As people’s fears, anxieties, and uncertainties about the impact of COVID-19 have grown, Read More

How to tell if your loved one is addicted to heroin

In recent years, there has been a six-fold increase in heroin-related deaths in the United States.1 In some parts of the nation, the heroin epidemic is particularly fierce. According to reports, Georgia is witnessing “unprecedented amounts of heroin” moving into the state, and it’s also penetrating in the Carolinas.2 It appears that no regions are Read More